Friday, April 20, 2012

Volcanoes - By Joed

     A volcano is an opening, or rupture, in a planet's surface or crust, which allows hot magma, volcanic ash and gases to escape from below the surface.  In general acquires a characteristic as conical wich is formed by the pressure of underground magma and the accumulation of material of previous eruptions.  Above the volcano's crater can be found its crater or boiler. Volcanoes can be found on Earth and other planets and satellites.  Generally, volcanoes are formed at the boundaries of tectonic plates, althought there are called hot spots wich are not addressed to the contact between plates, example is the Hawaiian islands.  The highest volcano in the world is called Nevado Ojos del Salado, in Argentina and Chile, and is also the second highest peak in the southern and western hemispheres.  

     There are different types of volcanoes of wich are:
  • Active volcanoes- are those that come ineruptive activity.
  • Asleep volcanoes- are those who have some signs of activity such as hot springs and have come into sporadic activity.
  • Extinct volcanoes- are those that were active during very far and show no signs can be reactivated at some future.           

     Each volcano has its way of eruption wich are:

  • Hawaiian or effusive
  • Strombolian or mixed
  • Vulcan
  • Vesubian Plinian
  • Freáto-magmatic or surtseyano
  • Pelean
  • Submarine eruptions
  • avalanches of volcanic eruptions (lahars)
  • Fissure eruptions

     Of volcano eruptions that more desaster has caused is Freato-type magmatic or surtseyano.  Some of the largest eruptions in recorded history tables are: Krakatoa, Kilauea and the island Surtsey.  Today the sun has been enacted on an early eruption in the volcano of Cumbre Vieja on Las Palmas, Canary Island type and water table would be no certeinty when this will happen.  That eruption would create a mega tsunami that would wipe out three continents: Europe, Africa, America, including The Caribbean.

     Here's an example in a video of what would happen:

     In conclusion, I say this: Volcanoes have survived for millions of years and are part of the force of nature on Earth.  Each eruption occurs dramatically change the way we live and will do it no matter when.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

"In clay we are made" Isabel Allende - By Joed


     ''In clay we are made" is a story based on real events created by Isabel Allende.  This is a historic event of wich marked the lives of many people forever in a town called "Armero" in Colombia. To begin with, 'Il tell you a brief description of Armero.

     Armero is a municipality in the department of Tolima, Colombia, located at 352 meters above sea level.  I t is characterized as the city where the greatest tragedy in history by the eruption of a volcano named Nevado Del Ruíz in 1985.  Before the tragedy, 31 000 people living Armero.  Nevado Del Ruíz, also known as Table Herveo, located to just under 50 Km of Armero It's a stratovolcano composed of many layers of lava alternating with hardened volcanic ash and pyroclast.  In general, their eruptions are plinian type, giving rise to rapid currents of hot gas and rock known as pyroclastic flows.  Of past eruptions of the same, the eruption of 1985 is the second largest recorded eruption since 1595.

     It was sad for many people the lack of prevention have to die on that night of tragedy.  A similar story occurred in Puerto Rico that year.  It's called ''El Derrumbe de Mameyes''.  The difference is that could haved been caused by torrential rains.  Two tragedies occurred one month after the other.  To has to be conclude, was amazing how two major tragedies occurred the same year and one month after.