Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Trafficking - By Joed

     Human trafficking is an evil that is now affecting many in the world. In each country, people disappear without notice, wherever you are that person, will go to use it as an object and sometimes worse. On such occasions, may be a person and not notice it because you can say, they have it planned.

     Human trafficking is something like that before in our history has already happened and is still happening. It's called Slavery. Slavery is a legal institution that leads to a personal situation for which an individual is under the control of another, losing the ability to freely dispose of his person and property. The phenomenon of slavery dates back to some ancient civilizations. The trade in people is a protocol that contains three constituent elements, which are:

Law (what is) - refers to any individual catch and export.
The means (how it is done) - refers to deception, use of force, abuse of power, false advertising, fraud and threats.
The purpose (Why does) - refers to the utility will give. For example, prostitution, fraud, false advertising, forced labor and organ removal.

     Here I show a graph and a link that shows the following: here you can see that those most affected byhuman trafficking are women, and also a link that shows the time in deciding who will kidnap.

     Today, there are organizations that do their best to prevent trafficking. Create ads to prevent it, do educational programs for schools and educates others. A famous example of organization is: Ricky Martin Foundation.

 Want to see more statistics click this link:

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